‘Cellists are a unique bunch, with a shared love for sound, expression, and friendship in music making.’

The Texas Cellos have joined the ranks of a beloved institution in Texan musical life. In 2020, a pandemic cello choir became the impetus for founding a cello ensemble. Its exceptional tonal and virtuosic qualities soon took concert audiences by storm, and now the Texas Cellos enjoy a remarkable following, selling out at every concert they have given.

Whether they’re playing classics from baroque to modern, jazz, tango, movie tunes, or avant-garde, listeners are invariably fascinated by the wide range of unique and intoxicating timbres that these cellos can produce, and their mixture of seriousness and humor, of depth and lightness, appeals to audiences of all ages.

Texas Cellos is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and gives back to the community by inspiring and cultivating excellence in youth through music education, ensemble building, and through performance opportunities.

It is said the cello is the most human of musical instruments. Its range extending from the depths of bass to the soprano’s heights.

Its singing is distinguished by its unique humanity. When one hears a cello solo the audience often catches its breath.

From the most beautiful tone to a gritty chord, from noble singing to an irritating haze of noise, for cellos, everything is possible!

“I am a human being first, a musician second, a cellist third.”

— Casals